WATCH: Rico Makes the Perfect French 75 – Here’s How to Do It!
Gather ‘round, gather ‘round! In the latest installment of ‘Absolut Drinks with Rico’, Rico shows you how to make perfect French 75 – a classic cocktail made with Gin, Champagne, Lemon Juice, and Sugar that dates back more than a century.
But wait, that’s not all – as always, Rico also answers the question, ‘Will it Vodka?’. Spoiler alert – it does. In fact, the Vodka variation of The French 75 is what’s known as The French 76.
So, in this episode, you’ll learn how to make both The French 75 and The French 76 – that’s double the viewing pleasure.
What does The French 75 taste like versus The French 76?
Firstly, one is made with Gin, and the other is made with Vodka. So, there’s going to be quite a difference right there.
As Rico explains it, with The French 75, there’s the “Clean, crisp taste of Gin, highlighted by some beautiful Champagne, balanced out with some Lemon and Sugar.”
However, The French 76 is “Just as crisp and just as refreshing tasting (but) you do lose that little Juniper hint but it’s still a delicious cocktail as the Absolut Vodka really elevates all the ingredients in there and the nice little sweetness coming through from the Cherry.”
Both are easy to make cocktails that are perfect for fancy soirees at home.
Rico’s Tips for Making the Perfect French 75
The fact is anyone can make a cocktail, but making it perfect is all in the details. That’s why Rico’s here to help you take your drink up to bar-level standards.
Most places serve The French 75 in a Flute Glass or a Coupe Glass. Rico prefers serving his in a Coupe. Why? Watch and find out! You’ll also learn how pressing a strip of fresh Lemon over your drink can really elevate your whole drinking experience.
So, without further ado, let’s get mixing!
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